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Nigmatzyanova, Yulia.
Contrastive analysis of nouns with the metaphorical meaning of quantity in the aspect of their connotation in english and russian / Y. Nigmatzyanova // Science and Society : 4ht SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (28–31 March, 2017) : Conference Proceedings / International Scientific Committi "Science and Society". – Vienna, 2017. – Vol. 1. – С. 43–49. – ISBN 978-619-7105-95-7.

ББК 81.432.1-002 + 81.411.2-002

Authors: Nigmatzyanova, Yulia

Keywords: язы­ко­зна­ние; се­ман­ти­ка; се­ман­ти­ка язы­ка; се­ман­ти­че­ская струк­ту­ра; рус­ский язык; ино­стран­ные язы­ки; гер­ман­ские язы­ки; ан­глий­ский язык; ме­та­фо­ра; мар­ки­ро­ван­ность; лек­се­мы; кон­тра­стив­ный ана­лиз; су­ще­стви­тель­ные; ко­ли­че­ство



Science and Society : 4ht SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts (28–31 March, 2017) : Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1. Language and Linguistics. Health Policy and Services / International Scientific Committi "Science and Society". – Vienna : Hofburg Congress Center, 2017. – 610 p. – Биб­лиогр. в кон­це ст. – Кн. на англ. яз. – ISBN 978-619-7105-95-7.

ББК 81я43 + 51.1я43
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